Become a reviewer for the Journal of Technology-Integrated Lessons and Teaching (JTILT)!

If you already have an account with JTILT, follow these directions to become a reviewer.

Reviewer Qualifications

Thank you for your interest in becoming a reviewer. To be eligible to review, you must have expertise or teaching experience in article topics. No formal research experience is required. Reviewers typically review 2 articles per year. Each article requires 2-3 readings to account for revisions.

The first step in becoming a Reviewer, is to register an account with JTILT. After creating an account, you will list your areas of teaching experience or expertise so editors can match and assign articles accordingly.

Instructions for Registering a New Account

  1. Go to the JTILT website
  2. Locate and click on the “Register” button in the top-right corner of the window.
  3. Enter your information for the Profile and Login boxes.
  4. Check the boxes based on your data collection and notification preferences.
  5. Check the box that says “Yes, request the Reviewer role."
  6. Click the box that says “Register.”
  7. Go to the email inbox that you used to register and follow the provided link.
  8. You can now log in and identify your experience in profile details (follow steps below).

Instructions for Adding Expertise


The following steps will guide you through the process of adding expertise:

  1. Go to the JTILT website.
  2. Login using your credentials.
  3. Navigate to the User icon in the top-right corner and select “Edit Profile.”
  4. Select the “Roles” tab.
  5. Ensure that the box next to “Reviewer” is selected.
  6. Find the box labeled “Reviewing Interests.”
    • Add as many subjects as you feel comfortable reviewing (e.g., 1st grade mathematics, mitosis and meiosis, intermediate violin, beginning watercolor, Mandarin language classes).
    • Separate subjects using the Enter key on your keyboard.
    • As applicable, include subject area age or skill ranges (e.g., higher education, early childhood, advanced, intermediate).
  7. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

Journal editors will use this information to assign article reviews. To add additional subjects, use the enter button.