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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission is original, has not been previously published, and has not been submitted to another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file uses the Microsoft Word template (downloadable in Author Guidelines).
  • When available, references include DOIs or URLs.
  • The text is single-spaced, uses available styles to identify sections, and uses a 10-point Roboto font (if possible).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text near their appropriate locations.
  • Written permission to include media/resources in your submission that you did not create yourself has been obtained.
  • Alternative tags were included for all images in your submissions.
  • I am able and willing to license the manuscript and included resources with a Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial, ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  • A separate title page is included with the manuscript that provides the names of all authors, their affiliation, and a short biography of their experience and interests.
  • The manuscript contains no author names or information (outside the title page) so a double-blind peer-review can occur.

A template in Microsoft Word format may be used to guide manuscript submissions.

The Journal of Technology-Integrated Lessons and Teaching (JTILT) is an Open Education Resource that publishes original, previously implemented, technology-rich unit and lesson plans, activities, micro-credentials, badges, professional development, and trainings from all stages and subject areas of PK-16+ education (e.g., early childhood, elementary, secondary, preservice teacher, induction, inservice training, professional development, train-the-trainer). Because lesson and training materials often include support materials (e.g., presentations, videos, worksheets, job-aids, assessments, work samples), authors are encouraged to include these materials as separate files as part of their submission. All resources are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (unless otherwise stated).  


Submissions must be original and unpublished elsewhere. Additionally, the journal does not consider product, program, or organization promotions disguised as learning resources. 


JTILT focuses on technology-rich learning representations. Please refer to the Journal Aims and Scope for additional guidance.

Prior Implementation

Regardless of submission type, all learning representations must have been previously implemented in their intended setting and among their intended audience. The journal will not consider unimplemented representations. 


JTILT does not charge submission or publication fees.

Submission Types

JTILT encourages the following submission types. If your learning representation does not fit one of these categories, please contact the Editor- or Co-Editor-in-Chief regarding appropriate fit. Both teacher and learner-directed representations will be considered.

Lesson/Training Plan

Lesson and training plans can be single or multi-day events meant for face-to-face or hybrid delivery. They should capture the entirety of the topic presented (introduction through assessment). If they are part of a larger unit, their fit within that larger unit should be described. Single-day plans are typically between 2500-4000 words. Multi-day plans vary, depending on the number of days represented, but are generally no longer than 10,000 words.  

Online Lesson or Module

Online lessons and modules often provide direct instruction (with instructors acting as facilitators rather than content disseminators). Thus, submissions may deviate from traditional lesson plans. The entire lesson, including assessments (e.g., discussion questions, quizzes, projects) and assessment criteria, should be included with notes/interjections regarding instructor and learner roles during implementation (e.g., presence, interactivity, feedback, discussion management). Since these issues manifest themselves within the larger course, they may also be addressed in the setting and context section (see Key Sections for details). While video and images may highlight strategies used to implement instruction or illustrate aesthetic qualities of instruction housed within proprietary systems (e.g., learning management systems, intranets), the narrative should include sufficient detail for implementation. Single lesson submissions are generally between 2500-4000 words. Multi-day lessons vary, depending on the number of days represented, but are generally no longer than 10,000 words.


Activities are brief technology-rich events that can be inserted into other lessons. They may focus on specific stand-alone tools/skills or lend themselves to implementations. Activities may be formal or informal, face-to-face or online. They are generally between 1000-2500 words and describe the activity (including setup, implementation, and evaluation) in its entirety. 


Micro-credentials are competency-based learning opportunities that include facilitator, instructor, and/or peer feedback on demonstrated or applied learning/skills. Learners have multiple opportunities to master a competency that results in a credential of the skill or concept. Micro-credentials can vary in length from multiple mini-lessons or units to a course. Micro-credentials can be created as face-to-face or online opportunities. Submissions should describe assessment practices (facilitator/instructor and/or peer feedback), competency rating scales (Met/Not Met, Pass/Fail, etc.), competency demonstration activities, assessment criteria, and so forth. A sample micro-credential certificate should be included with the submission. Submissions vary between 750-4500 words based on the number of mini-lessons provided. 


Badges are representations of learning and skill acquisition through an award system, typically represented in a graphic or icon resembling a merit badge. Badges focus on the completion of learning, utilizing mastery development with multiple attempts. These submissions can encompass individual lessons/activities, units, or curriculum that utilizes badging and are generally between 750-2500 words--based on the number of pathways available. Submissions should describe game-based learning aspects (if applicable), assessments/challenges (and mastery criteria), badges earned, and so forth. A sample badge(s) should be submitted. 

Key Sections

Title Page

Each submission should include a title page (saved as a separate file). This title page should include a concise and accurate title that describes the learning resources. Additionally, it should include author information, affiliation(s), and a short biography of each author regarding their experience/interests in teaching.



Provide the title (from the Title Page) at the top of the manuscript. However, omit the names and affiliations of any authors.


All submissions must include an overview describing the purpose, subject, topic, and grade-level (as applicable) of the learning resource. The overview should also describe what technology-rich experience will take place and provide a concise synopsis of what learners will do, including desired outcomes and major assessments. This section should also include the amount of time needed to implement the learning representation. This section is between 75-125 words

Materials and Setup

Indicate what materials are needed to complete the learning representation (this can be done with a bulleted list). Then briefly describe how the instructor should set up the learning environment in either face-to-face, online, or hybrid settings and indicate how much time is needed for setup. 

Context at a Glance

Provide a brief overview of the context associated with learning representation development. This section should be 150-175 words total and summarize information regarding various design considerations and constraints (see Table 1). Additional details regarding design considerations are included in a later section.

Table 1. Context at a glance sections and descriptions




Describe the location and setting (including country) where the learning representation was implemented (e.g., urban, rural, public, private, for-profit, non-profit, informal, formal)


Indicate how the learning representation was implemented (e.g., online, hybrid, face-to-face)

Class Structure

Describe how instruction was delivered (e.g., class session length, room setup, instructor autonomy to modify room layout or store equipment on site)

Organizational Norms

Summarize the organizational goals, access to resources, support, workplace expectations, and other relevant information regarding the organization where implementation occurred

Learner Characteristics

Describe the learners who participated in the implementation (e.g., demographics, prior knowledge, attitudes toward subject/instruction, grade/age of learners, audience size, differentiation needs)

Instructor/ Facilitator Characteristics

Describe the instructor expectations and competencies (e.g., teaching norms, technical familiarity, pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge)

Development Rationale

Describe what need the learning representation was created to fill (e.g., desired outcomes, learning objectives/goals, sequence within larger learning goals/context) 

Design Framework(s)

Describe the design frameworks used to develop the learning representation (e.g., backward design, flipped instruction, TPACK, guided inquiry, Gagne's Events of Instruction, First Principles of Instruction)


As applicable, identify standards aligned to the learning representation (e.g., NGSS, Common Core, state standards, InTASC, ISTE).

Setting and Context

Before documenting the representation, take some time to describe its intended setting (e.g., urban, rural, public, private, for-profit, non-profit), classroom characteristics, learner characteristics--including content and technical prior knowledge, organizational norms, instructor/facilitator characteristics, rationale for development, desired outcomes, fit within the larger curriculum, frameworks/theory used during development, and any other information that may help readers understand the context for the representation. Do not copy what was written in the Context at a Glance section. Rather, highlight aspects of your setting and context that were most influential to the design of your learning representation. Use this section to help your audience understand the design decisions you made. 

Learning Representation

The learning representation should be described in sufficient detail so that others can either implement it as printed or adapt it to meet individual settings and circumstances. The representation should be organized around a design framework (e.g., Gagnés Nine Events, Backwards Design, Instructional Design for Teachers, First Principles of Instruction) and include information regarding an introduction, content presentation, practice, feedback, assessments, and so forth. Organizational units should also include estimated timing, as applicable.

Images may be placed directly within the manuscript and referred to in the text. See the support materials section for information regarding images, worksheet, job aid, quiz, presentation, video, and audio inclusions. 

Critical Reflection

At the conclusion of each submission, a critical reflection section should document how many times the learning representation was implemented, analyze those implementation(s), their ability to meet intended goals/objectives, their fit within the larger instructional context, lessons learned, implementation tips, future modifications, and other relevant information. Reflecting on what went well and what could have gone better will allow readers to iterate on the original design. Honest and open reflection (not necessarily positive) is desired.


Sources should be formatted according to the most current edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide. The journal particularly encourages the use of open education resources. 

All resources (e.g., images, work samples, assignments) that you include must adhere to copyright guidelines. 

General Formatting

Submissions should be written in the third-person. Contextual information and reflections can include the first person when describing actions the authors took and/or decisions made. 

Text should be single-spaced. JTILT uses the sans serif Roboto font (10-point) throughout. This freely available font may be downloaded from Google fonts. Bold and/or italic text is permitted for emphasis but the ultimate decision about when and where to use emphasis rests with the journal editorial team.

A template in Microsoft Word format may be used to guide manuscript submissions. When the template opens as read only in Google Drive, select the File menu and choose Download and Microsoft Word (.docx) to access and edit the template on your computer. 

Formatting is provided through styles (with additional suggestions provided in the document). However, all formatting decisions ultimately rest with the journal editorial team.


JTILT strives to make its resources accessible to all people. As authors prepare manuscripts and support materials, they should follow these guidelines:


Use descriptive language to identify hyperlinks so it is clear what the link references (e.g., “Checkout the AECT Website for more information”). URLs in the narrative and references should be hyperlinked.

Table and Figure Captions

All tables and figures (e.g., illustrations, graphics, images) must be introduced and described in the narrative. Tables and figures should also include captions that number them based on order of presentation and concisely describe what they represent (e.g., Table 1: Sample gradebook, Figure 1: Assessment alignment). 

Table Header Rows

The first row of the table should also be designated as a heading row (repeatable across page breaks).

Alternative Text in Images

Alternative text is provided for each Image in the manuscript (and support materials) and the alternative text accurately and concisely describes the image. 


Heading levels support screen readers. JTILT uses five levels of heading. Although final formatting of accepted manuscripts will take place by the editorial team, you are encouraged to differentiate between levels of heading in your submission. Heading formats are captured in the provided template.

High Contrast Colors

When you include figures and tables, make sure that there is high contrast between the text and the background (e.g., Table Header [High Contrast]; Table Header [Not High Contrast]). Aim for a color contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal-sized text. You can use contrast checker websites to check your color contrast ratios. 

Additionally, do not convey information solely through color variation (e.g., marking acceptable passages in one color and unacceptable passages in another).

Audio/Video Captions and/or Transcripts

Audio and video recordings should have closed captioning (CC) and/or include an audio transcript of the recording. Any recordings that have no audio and only relay content visually (e.g., What is a Powtoon?) should include a robust textual description of the content within the recording for learners with visual impairments.  

Microsoft Accessibility Checker

Microsoft has developed an accessibility checker to use with materials produced using Microsoft. Visit the Microsoft Accessibility Checker to learn more. 

Copyright Policies

You must have copyright permissions to embed images or share support materials that you did not create. This journal publishes all materials under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (CC BY-NC-SA). 

As part of the submission process, authors will be required to sign the University of Wyoming Libraries’ standard Author License Agreement in which authors warrant that they own the copyright for the original work(s) submitted and grant to the University of Wyoming Libraries and The Association of Educational Communications and Technology the non-exclusive right to publish their work in any format. This license agreement provides the publisher with the rights they need to disseminate the resource online. 

Authors will also be required to furnish, at their own expense, written evidence of the permissions or consents for use of any third-party material included with their submission. Examples may include (but are not limited to) images, worksheets, assessments, and video and audio recordings. 

In the event of a copyright infringement claim or other legal challenge to the hosting institution and/or the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, the organizations may require removal of the offending material from the journal.

See the copyright guidance document for more information on copyright. 

Peer Review Process

Submissions are reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. JTILT strives for double-blind reviews whenever possible. Author names, affiliations/schools, and references to authors’ works should be removed prior to submission (e.g., [Name Removed] Elementary School in [Location Removed]). 

Support Materials

In addition to the learning representation, JTILT accepts support materials (e.g., audio, video, multimedia, presentation files, job aids, worksheets, work samples). Each support material should be introduced and described in the learning representation. However, each support material should be added as a separate file and included with your manuscript submission.

Sources and Media Citations 

Support materials will likely include two types of sources, those used for informational purposes and those used for aesthetic purposes. Informational sources should be identified with in-text citations and included in a references section. These sources should be formatted according to the most current edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide. Again, JTILT particularly encourages use of open education resources. 

Aesthetic sources should also be cited within their support materials. Aesthetic source citations are usually grouped together in a media section near the end of the support material. These sources do not use APA formatting and should not be included in a References section. Rather, each citation should include the title (or description) of the medium, its author, the license used (indicate “original work” if manuscript authors created it), and the location where the source was found (usually a URL to the source, as applicable). Any modifications made to the source (e.g., color modifications, cropping, resizing) should be specified.

You must have copyright permissions to embed images or share support materials that you did not create (see the Copyright Policies section below).


The same accessibility guides presented for the learning representation should be followed for support materials (e.g., high contrast colors, alternative text, Headings, hyperlinks, and so forth). 

Inclusion with Learning Representation

Each support material should be introduced and described in the learning representation. All support materials should have concise and accurate titles. Each file should match the title used in the learning representation. 

Each support material should be added as a separate attachment when submitting the manuscript. Each will appear as a separate file for download with the final article. 

Support materials must be stored in the JTILT online journal system. JTILT does not permit external links beyond those used in the current edition of the APA style guide for references.