
This award recognizes educators for original, technology-rich, lesson plan development situated in PK-12 (or equivalent) educational settings.  

Competition Details

Submissions must include an original, technology-rich lesson plan or activity that focuses on stated goals/objectives. Technology must be integral to the lesson/activity and help to improve identified student learning outcomes. The following sections must be included in the submission:

  • A concise title that accurately describes the lesson/activity.
  • An overview paragraph that indicates the subject, topic and learning objective(s), grade level (or equivalent), and duration. The paragraph also describes what learners will do, what technology-rich experience(s) will take place, and what assessments will occur. 
  • A context and setting section (limited to the remainder of the first page of the submission) that describes the intended setting (e.g., urban, rural, public, private), classroom characteristics, learner characteristics--including prior content and technical knowledge, instructor characteristics, fit within the larger curriculum, and so forth (please refer to the first page of lesson plans published by the Journal of Technology Integrated Lessons and Teaching).
  • A materials and setup section that identifies all materials needed for implementation and describes how to set up the experience. 
  • The lesson/activity and instructional strategies are described in sufficient detail so that others can implement it as-is or adapt it to meet individual needs.

Submission Requirements

  • Complete submissions must not exceed four pages. 
  • Submitters need not be current members of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) nor the Teacher Education Division (TED); however, they must attend the AECT Fall Conference.
  • Lesson/activity plans must be original, solely created by the submitter(s), and not published elsewhere (beyond personal websites, blogs, and/or equivalent personal publication locations).
  • Resources used in the plan must be created by the submitter(s), open-access, or used with permission of Copyright owners.  

Submission Form

Please use this form.

Award (x 2)

  • Submitters of the two winning lesson plans will each receive $100.
  • The winning lesson plans will be published in the online and open-access Journal of Technology-Integrated Lessons and Teaching (JTILT). Authors may post the lesson plan as-is or write additional sections and go through the peer-review process to obtain a peer-reviewed publication.   


  • Submissions are due by August 31, 2024.
  • The winner will be announced in the Teacher Education Division membership meeting at the online AECT Annual Convention (held October 1-3, 2024).