The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA), a publication of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), is a refereed all-electronic journal that welcomes mathematical articles of high standards that contribute new information and new insights to matrix analysis and the various aspects of linear algebra and its applications. ELA is a JCR ranked journal, and indexed by MathSciNet, ZentralBlatt, and Scopus.  ELA is completely free for authors/readers; and  ELA is built on the selfless contributions of its authors, referees and editors.

Vol. 40 (2024)

Published: 2024-01-05

Structured level-2 condition numbers of matrix functions

Bahar Arslan, Samuel D. Relton, Marcel Schweitzer


The allow sequence of distinct eigenvalues for a sign pattern

Jane Breen, Carraugh Brouwer, Minerva Catral, Michael Cavers, Pauline van den Driessche, Kevin N. Vander Meulen


Locating Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices - A Survey

Carlos Hoppen, David Jacobs, Vilmar Trevisan


Numerical range for weighted Moore-Penrose inverse of tensor

Aaisha Be, Vaibhav Shekhar, Debasisha Mishra


Deflating invariant subspaces for rank structured pencils

Nicola Mastronardi, Marc Van Barel, Raf Vandebril, Paul Van Dooren


Near-bipartite Leonard pairs

Kazumasa Nomura, Paul Terwilliger


Matrices having nonzero outer inverses

Iulia-Elena Chiru, Septimiu Crivei


A new weighted spectral geometric mean and properties

Trung Hoa Dinh, Tin-Yau Tam, Trung-Dung Vuong


Some symmetric sign patterns requiring unique inertia

Partha Rana, Sriparna Bandopadhyay


Token graphs of Cayley graphs as lifts

Cristina Dalfó, Miquel Àngel Fiol, Sona Pavlíková, Jozef Sirán


The power of bidiagonal matrices

Nicholas J. Higham


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