The ELA Editorial Policy on Artificial Intelligence

ELA Authors

The authors of the papers submitted to The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA) must adhere to the following rules on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT.

  1. Listed authors must be human beings, rather than AI tools, as authors must be able to be accountable for the work, disclose conflicts of interest, as well as hold and assign copyright.

  2. Every co-author assumes full responsibility for the integrity, accuracy, originality, and copyright of any submitted content. This includes the abstracts/summaries of the work, discussions of related work, theorems and proofs, algorithm statements, computational implementations, and analysis/discussion/presentation of numerical experiments.

  3. Authors are permitted to use LLMs to edit or polish the authors’ written text for spelling, grammar, or general style, with a simple acknowledgement in the Acknowledgements section of the work.

  4. Any other use of artificial intelligence, LLMs, or similar technologies must be fully documented in the Acknowledgements section of the submitted work, with
    1. as many details of the specific model/tool and version used as available, e.g., Tool = GPT-4, Date used: Sept 1, 2023,
    2. the exact method used, e.g. The following prompt was entered into GPT-4…,
    3. the specific content changed or generated by AI, including text, citations, images, figures, videos, or similar, e.g. The following text was entirely generated by GPT-4 and included in the article…
    4. where possible, the code or data that a reader needs to reproduce the results.

  5. The Editor(s) in Chief of ELA and the ILAS Journals Committee have the final decision on whether the use of the AI tool is appropriate or permitted.

  6. Egregious misrepresentations, including those due to use of AI in the writing or analysis, will lead to an investigation and may have consequences including rejection of the submission, limits on future submissions to ELA, notification of the authors’ institutions, and addendum to or retraction of an already published article.


ELA Referees

ELA referees are not permitted to upload papers under review to ChatGPT or similar LLM models as this compromises the confidentiality of material provided by the author during the peer review process.


Note: This policy will be kept under regular review and changed as necessary in light of further technological developments in this area.