University of Wyoming Open Journals

UW Open Journals is a service provided by the University of Wyoming Libraries at no cost to our faculty, students, and staff. Based on Open Journal Systems version 3, we offer open journal and peer-reviewed series hosting for the University of Wyoming. UW Open Journals is part of the larger Open Access movement and as such, all content found within our journals is freely accessible without paywalls.

If you are part of the UW community and have interest in hosting an open academic journal for your student-based organization, society, or other group, please contact the UW Libraries' Digital Collections Office.



The Journal of Technology-Integrated Lessons and Teaching is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes technology-rich lessons, activities, micro-credentials, and badges for PK-16+ professionals. Published semi-annually, the journal provides a venue for high-quality, international learning representations with additional information regarding their context and setting, design rationale, implementation, and lessons learned. Resources are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

This journal is sponsored by the Teacher Education Division of The Association for Educational Communications and Technology in partnership with The University of Wyoming. The journal is published by the University of Wyoming.

The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA), a publication of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), is a refereed all-electronic journal that welcomes mathematical articles of high standards that contribute new information and new insights to matrix analysis and the various aspects of linear algebra and its applications. ELA is a JCR ranked journal, and indexed by MathSciNet, ZentralBlatt, and Scopus.  ELA is completely free for authors/readers; and  ELA is built on the selfless contributions of its authors, referees and editors.

The Journal of Working-Class Studies is the journal of the Working-Class Studies Association. Formed in 2003, the Working-Class Studies Association is an international organization which promotes the study of working-class people and their culture. We are a group made up of academics, activists, teachers, writers, poets, journalists, practitioners, students, artists and a wide range of others from around the world  interested in developing the field of working-class studies. We hold an annual conference as well as other events and promote the field through a variety of awards and act as a discussion forum for working-class issues. 

These reports summarize the research and associated activities conducted at and through the UW-NPS Research Station from 1954-1976 before the journal changed its name to The University of Wyoming-National Park Service (UW-NPS) Research Station Annual Reports.

The annual reports summarize the scholarship activities associated with the UW-NPS Research Station in Grand Teton National Park.