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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

Catalysts of Open Education in Colorado: A Qualitative Study of Enabling Forces in OE Momentum

December 30, 2022


What are/were the catalysts that enabled Open Education (OE) momentum in Colorado, and what can be gleaned from its origin stories? Using a mix of qualitative methods (e.g. interviews, narrative analysis, discourse analysis), this paper maps the forces, both actual and imagined, that enabled OE to flourish across the state. This paper locates patterns specific to Colorado and analyzes the interdependent and interpersonal aspects of the OE movement/philosophy there. It arrives at the conclusion that two themes in particular (state-level support and community characteristics) contribute to Colorado’s reputation as an OE leader. Rather than view these as distinct forces, the two themes entwine and synergistically enhance the other. This paper contributes to growing research in the area of second-order OE thriving and sustainability. It makes the case that, while identifying barriers to OE can assist with action-oriented research, identifying the enabling forces can also offer a more nuanced understanding in a particular place: less of the bad is one tactic, more of the good is another.


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