Research Project Report

Chromosome Cytology, Reproductive Behavior, and Ecology of the Insect Order Neuroptera

Ellis G. MacLeod
University of Illinois

Published 1970-01-01


The investigations conducted at the Research Station during the summer of 1970 were a continuation of those initiated the previous summer and were conducted in much the same way. Living material of certain important montane species was secured and a preliminary cytological examination was made, in the field, of male testes (meiosis) and of the early embryonic stages in eggs laid by females (mitosis). Additional eggs were allowed to hatch and the resulting larval stages were either preserved for future study and description, or were transported alive back to my laboratory at the University of Illinois. These latter were used to initiate laboratory cultures and these have allowed experimental investigations into such aspects of the biology of the species as their diapause phenology and courtship behavior as well as more detailed studies of their cytology. Additional adult specimens collected furing the summer provided information, through the examination of the gut contents, on adult food habits and, of course, all field work during the summer added to accumulating knowledge of the distribution of the habitats of different species through the regions studied. Project Number 164.