The structure of linear operators strongly preserving majorizations of matrices

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Ahmad M. Hasani
Mehdi Radjabalipour


A matrix majorization relation A ≺r B (resp., A ≺ B) on the collection Mn of all n × n real matrices is a relation A = BR (resp., A = RB) for some n × n row stochastic matrix R (depending on A and B). These right and left matrix majorizations have been considered by some authors under the names “matrix majorization” and “weak matrix majorization,” respectively. Also, a multivariate majorization A ≺rmul B (resp., A ≺ℓmul B) is a relation A = BD (resp., A = DB) for some n × n doubly stochastic matrix D (depending on A and B). The linear operators T : Mn → Mn which strongly preserve each of the above mentioned majorizations are characterized. Recall that an operator T : Mn → Mn strongly preserves a relation R on Mn when R(T(X), T(Y )) if and only if R(X, Y ). The results are the sharpening of well-known representations T X = CXD or T X = CXtD for linear operators preserving invertible matrices.

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