On n/p-Asymptotic Distribution Of Vector Of Weighted Traces Of Powers Of Wishart Matrices

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Jolanta Maria Pielaszkiewicz
Dietrich von Rosen
Martin Singull


The joint distribution of standardized traces of $\frac{1}{n}XX'$ and of $\Big(\frac{1}{n}XX'\Big)^2$, where the matrix $X:p\times n$ follows a matrix normal distribution is proved asymptotically to be multivariate normal under condition $\frac{{n}}{p}\overset{n,p\rightarrow\infty}{\rightarrow}c>0$. Proof relies on calculations of asymptotic moments and cumulants obtained using a recursive formula derived in Pielaszkiewicz et al. (2015). The covariance matrix of the underlying vector is explicitely given as a function of $n$ and $p$.

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