Vol. 35 (2012)
Intern Report

Creating Communication Conduits: a Greater Yellowstone Science Learning Center Internship

Elizabeth E. Perry
Oregon State University

Published 2012-01-01


Communicating scientific endeavors in a manner accessible to researchers, managers, and the public alike is an important, yet often neglected, aspect of conducting studies. For research carried out on Americaâs public lands, including the National Park Serviceâs, this communication is even more important, as we are all owners and stewards of these magnificent ecological and cultural landscapes. This summer, I worked with The Greater Yellowstone Science Learning Center, Grand Teton National Park, and researchers from across the country to augment and enhance the information about current park studies and resource status reports available to the Science Learning Centerâs website visitors. This addition of pertinent information to the website is of value to all those interested in the socio-ecological landscapes the National Park Service is tasked to conserve, scientific studies occurring in Grand Teton National Park, and potential implications of these studies and findings beyond park boundaries. The additions not only reach those who are currently invested in stewardship of our national parks, but also potential stewards with whom we have the unique opportunity to communicate with digitally, vastly expanding science communication and involvement opportunities.