Vol. 32 (2009)
Yellowstone Ecosystem Report

Sage Grouse Chick Survival Rates in Jackson Hole

Bryan Bedrosin
Craighead Beringia South
Ross Crandall
Craighead Beringia South

Published 2009-01-01


The Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocerus urophasianus) population within Jackson Hole has been declining over the past 60 years (Holloran and Anderson 2004). Currently, several unknown population parameters may affect population models, such as nesting productivity (and annual variation therein), nest initiation and re-nesting rates, sex ratio of chicks produced, chick survival, and annual sub-adult and adult survival rates. While previous research has investigated some of these demographic parameters for the Jackson Hole sage-grouse population (Holloran and Anderson 2004); those estimates may not be adequate due to sample size limitations. Further, there are new constraints on this population due to drastic changes in the wintering habitat from wildfires since those estimates were obtained.