Vol. 21 (1997)
Grand Teton Yellowstone Parks

Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Montane Meadows and Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Diane Debinski
Iowa State University
Mark Jakubauskas
University of Kansas
Kelly Kindscher
University of Kansas

Published 1997-01-01


Our project is an examination of ecological dynamics in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), concentrating specifically upon the spatial and temporal dynamics of montane meadow communities. We are examining both the abiotic aspects of these communities as well as the biodiversity of plant, bird and butterfly communities. Our long-term goal is to develop predictive species assemblage models based upon landscape level habitat analysis. This involves using intensive, local field sampling to test for relationships between species distribution patterns and remotely sensed data. This research involves several steps: 1) quantifying the spatial and temporal variability in montane meadow communities; 2) developing a spectrally-based spatially-explicit model for predicting plant and animal species diversity patterns in montane meadows; and 3) testing the spectrally-based spatially-explicit model for predicting plant and animal species diversity patterns in montane meadows. Note: Details contained in this report are restricted to year one of a three year grant, so we focus primarily on techniques rather than results.