Vol. 7 (1983)
Grand Teton Np Report

Parasites of Ruminants: Possible Cross-Transmission of Dictyocaulus Sp. Lungworm Between Cattle and Elk

Robert C. Bergstrom
University of Wyoming

Published 1983-01-01


Determine the relationship of elk lungworm, Dictyocaulus hadweni, and a related species, D. viviparus in cattle. Elk are reinfected annually in the spring months with the lungworm species noted above. Serum samples from the elk are needed in order to attempt to explain why the elk make no immune response to lungworm infections during the period, April-June. Additionally, epidemiological work with the lungworm of cattle in areas also utilized by elk in Teton and Fremont Counties of Wyoming will be completed so as to learn more about possible cross-transmission of the lungworm infections in the cervids and bovids.